Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow, snow, go away!

Look at this big fat robin that's been hanging around our cherry tree the last few days! These "imposter" robins come from Nova Scotia, and they've been showing up around January/February. The "real" robins don't come until March or April. Even though I know he's not the usual kind of robin that is a sign that spring is almost here, I can't help but feel optimistic when I see him. This has been one long, cold, dumb winter, and I won't miss it when the last patch of ice melts!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mermaid-Catface Tattoo and Dream Quilt

Last night I had a very vivid dream. I remember that I was wearing knee socks and a short skirt, and I was feeling pretty cute until I noticed my knees covered in tattoos. I was alarmed because I couldn't remember how or where I got the tattoos, and they were very big and brightly colored. I got a mirror to see if they went all the way round, and there on the back of my right calf was the ugliest tattoo. It was a cartoony looking mermaid with an ugly cat face. It was just awful. I woke up feeling anxious and that kind of sticks around all day.

The next project I hope to start came from a dream, too- I guess they've been especially vivid lately. I dreamed I owned this quilt with bright colored stars on it. The dream was about something else, I forget what exactly, but I wished I had that quilt. I didn't know what they were called at the time, but I've since learned that it's a "saw-toothed star" pattern, which for some reason makes me like it even more. So I drew up these plans, which kind of are cool looking by themselves. Suprisingly, I kind of like the more subtle colors best, but the quilt in my dream was bright so I may stick with that.

Also, last night I made chocolate chip cookies. I can't figure out why i can't ever make them the same way twice. This time they came out soft and kind of chewy, though still very delicious. However, when I made them a few weeks ago they were crunchy, harder, but very buttery tasting like toffee. I tend to prefer that, but Peter says he likes them softer. Oh well, next time they'll do something else anyway.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Okay, here goes....

Phew! Starting a blog is harder than I thought. I just wanted a place where I could post all my junk that I make so that people can see it that aren't allowed to look at Facebook while they are at work. This is a silly test post. Here's a picture of the quilt I made for my better half. And I guess it's also a picture of my better half himself, Peter.
This is the first quilt I've ever made. I made it a year ago and the poor thing is languishing on my storage trunk without a binding. Hopefully I'll finish it in time for warmer weather. I have a sad habit of not finishing.