Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sometimes you gotta break down and buy the "As Seen On TV" Thingy.

So my garden tragically has been destroyed- my church, my palace. It had to be demolished to make way for a brandy-new septic tank. The location of my beautiful wedding almost nine years ago has been literally reduced to a pile of rubble. I keep telling myself it could be worse- but in my little world it's pretty bad. The garden is a huge part of my summer pleasure, and that includes my summer diet. There really is nothing quite like a stir fry made with vegetables that literally just came off the plant that I grew from seed. But the thing I knew I'd miss the most- tomatoes! I eat 3-4 tomatoes per week during my harvest time- a freshly picked tomato is a whole different creature than the ones from the supermarket.

So, today I went out and bought... a "Topsy Turvey". It's hideously ugly, and it will not even come close to bringing me the pleasure that gardening did, but at least I will not be deprived of my Early Girls.

So whatever, it is what it is. I will be curious to see if it really does produce good tomatoes, though.
Incidentally, I've been watching the new show on the Discovery Channel, "Pitchmen", which stars Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan. You know Billy Mays, the guy who screams and hollers about Oxyclean? It's hysterical, but also very interesting to see how these inventors come up with their products and get Billy and Anthony to make a commercial about them. Brilliant idea.

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